SAM 18 MAI - 20H

SAT/SAM/ZAT 18/05/19 – 20H00 | 8€
Madame Moustache brussels presents:
N0V3L (UK via CAN – Meat Machine)

20H00: doors
21H00: TBA
22H00: N0V3L
23H00: Dj set
*new PA/sound system* by NEXO


Novel is an engine of entertainment and social criticism weaponizing rhythm and melody against the unsound powers that be. Rigid new-wave, angular funk, polyrhythmic disco and intellectual punk together approximate a radical new sound that forms the principal means of ideological circulation. Drawing influence from such mindful predecessors as Devo and Public Enemy, Novel offers an empowering, politically-charged stance in fierce opposition to the modern cultural landscape, reflecting the corrupted nature of humanity back upon itself.

A sense of foreboding and comic paranoia pervades the debut EP: corporate power looms large, technological isolation seems omnipresent, and bureaucracy mines the psyche of detached participants. This constructed reality presents a hard-earned escape through critical thinking and direct action, acting as a call to mindfulness and moral resistance. Translated through the power of electric music.
